If a wrench appears, a problem has been found and fixed. Simply follow the instructions and then click Retry. In this case, at the bottom of the user interface, we will find a detailed description that will tell us how to solve the problem. If a red cross (X) appears, an error has been found. If a green check mark appears, the device is in good condition. Once the exploration is finished, a symbol will appear to indicate how the process has gone. Troubleshooting problems with printers and scanners The application will take care of examining them to detect possible problems and how to solve them. Once this is done we can run HP Print and Scan Doctor and a main window appears where through its assistant we must select the device with which we have a problem. SamDrivers Troubleshoot basic problems with your HP printer or scannerīefore running the application, the first thing we must do is connect and turn on our printer or scanner to our computer.Alternatives to HP Print and Scan Doctor.Conclusions: is it advisable to use the HP Print and Scan Doctor?.Troubleshooting problems with printers and scanners.

Troubleshoot basic problems with your HP printer or scanner.Though for the serious part of this post, my proposial to you and HP staff would be to advise those developing software to actually test it on various computers before publishing it online. I am not going to write how to install Windows 7 drivers on Windows 10 as it may be too fussy for end users (if you are passionate about this idea, try figure it out!) not to mention I did write it previously on the forum, but hitting Post button everythig disappeared (seems HP site is also not perfect as most things created by humans). I am really sory to say that I am not impressed with software for hp photosmart c5280, because it is really buggy, tried to use it with Windows 7 laptop and Windows XP workstation (in the last case it was working under any expectations) with appropriate drivers. For others that want this particular printer to work with Windows 10 (including Print on CD/DVD function) you have to install HP Photosmart Essential 3.5 that is NOT inscluded in Windows 10 boudle posted above (it is indeed about the same I used previously), withot this feature printing on cd/dvd won't be possible. For me now everything works fine (had to figure out it myself). I do believe that you and all HP staff does everything your best, but sometimes things are not very pleasing. Thank you, Waterboy71, for your reply, as I did not received it instantly I thought it would never happen.