The first way is to buy multiple licenses for all of your computers. Buying multiple licenses for all your computers It is only possible to have the Cubase license installed on one computer at a time, and there are three ways to do it. However, the catch is that you will have to deactivate Cubase on your old hardware to use it on your new device. In case you upgrade to a new computer, buy an additional laptop, or your old computer fails to operate, you can still install Cubase on multiple two or more computers. Three Ways to Install and Use Cubase on a Different Computer Last, You can buy a USB e-Licenser dongle that instantly activates the license on any computer you are using. Second, you can transfer and reactivate the license on the computer you are using. There are three ways to install Cubase on a different computer. If you are a Cubase user and accustomed yourself to make use of all its features and functions for producing music at home, you will probably like to extend its use if you have multiple computers in your home.